

The unit component "command" provides combat bonuses to units within an army or fleet, think of it as the computer systems and military leaders that coordinate your forces.

Command can be installed on all space or ground units other than infantry.

How does it work#

There are three important points to remember:

If you are going to place less than 500 command points on a unit, they will not get the maximum bonus possible. In this case, you may get a better bonus by leaving them without command and letting them take a share from those units with excess command.

Worked Example#

Let us say that we have a Commander with 1000 command installed. In a battle, each Commander unit will receive 10% of the command they carry meaning they will get 100 points of command. Since the maximum command bonus is 50% these 100 command points will result in a 50% bonus.

After the 100 command points have been removed, there are 900 command points left to share between non-command units in the army/fleet. For the example we shall call these units Marines.

In an army with: